
Monday, May 14, 2018

Giftedness and mental health

While gifted children and adults are not necessarily more prone to mental health problems, they still experience emotional and interpersonal challenges as a result of their heightened sensitivities, overactive minds, and differences from many of their peers. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I am including some blog posts that I have written about mental health related topics and giftedness.

Stress, conflicts, quirks, and differences: Some difficulties gifted children, teens and adults face

Gifted overthinkers: What makes them tick?

Is your gifted teen socially isolated?

Why do smart girls develop eating disorders?

Are gifted individuals really perfectionists?

Gifted women, gifted girls, and mental health

Choices exclude: The existential burden of multipotentiality

When is it more than giftedness? A psychologist's perspective

Gifted adults and relationships: Ten sources of conflict

When school has an impact

How parents can understand and offer support to their gifted child

Supporting your emotionally excitable gifted child

Tips for helping your socially isolated gifted teen

How to discipline your gifted child

Tips for taming test anxiety (because even gifted kids get anxious)

Tune in to your gifted child's needs

Get your gifted boy through middle school

Sending your gifted child to college: Providing support when fears arise

When you or your child need therapy

A gifted person's guide to therapy

Gifted children and adults: When is therapy helpful?

Five misconceptions about therapists

When does therapy benefit gifted adolescents?

Everyone experiences rough times, mood swings, and stress. Most of the time we can muddle through with the support of family and friends. However, mental health issues need to be taken seriously. Any changes in mood, appetite or sleeping patterns; complaints about depression, sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, apathy, loss of interest in typically enjoyable activities; an increase in angry outbursts or irritability; impulsive behaviors or alcohol or substance abuse; and any evidence of self-harm or suicidal thoughts should be addressed through acknowledgement, support and evaluation with a licensed mental health professional.

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